Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20, 2013

Happy Wednesday morning.  It's also the first day of Spring.  So, the first day of Spring is full of rain, thunder and a little lightening.  I guess the flowers needed some water.  I love watching the rain, however, it does nothing for my back pain.  So, today I will rest and let the back heal.  I have a lot of computer work to get done anyway so its okay. 

I listened to my Daily Audio Bible program again today.  It's nice getting back into the swing of things.  I missed this while I was gone.  it's amazing how quickly we can get distracted from the important things in life.  Going to Steinhatchee was incredible.  Not only did I enjoy the time with Aunt Twila, but also the time watching the beauty God created.  I was so relaxed there.  The only thing that could have made it better was if Jeff and David could have joined us. 

This is a picture of one of the beautiful sunsets at the end of the river where it joins the Gulf.  God makes the most beautiful pictures, doesn't He? 

This is a picture of the river right behind my cousins home.  It was so nice and cool.  When I sat outside I could hear the birds singing.  The dogs were running around and jumping into the river.  It was so peaceful and relaxing.  I wondered if this was what the Garden of Eden might have been like.  I certainly didn't want to leave.  I took tons of pictures because I just couldn't get enough.  The time went by much too fast.  I can't wait to go back. 

Today's verse is Phillippians 1:27.  It says, Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.

Proverbs 11:20-21 says, "Those of crooked heart are an abomination to the Lord, but those of bleameless ways are His delight.  Be assured, an evil person will not go unpunished, but the offspring of the righteous will be delivered. 

Those verses really touched me today.  As we struggle to survive day by day I often wonder if God has forgotten us.  In my heart I know He hasn't.  But then I think about the people that I know are doing wrong and yet it seems they are doing well in life while we struggle.   In Phillippains God clearly says we are to live right and do HIS will even when we think He isn't looking.  And in Proverbs He says that those who are cheaters are living wrong will be PUNISHED!  But those of us who continue to life RIGHT and do HIS will are His delight and will be delivered.  Jeff used to have an employee that would almost daily say, "If ya ain't cheating; ya ain't trying."  As a human I can understand why someone would feel that way.  But as a child of the King I need to remember that God wants us to do right at all costs and we are to survive and make Him proud of us.  I want to be used of God in any way He wants. 

I am thankful for the blessings in my life.  I am thankful for a husband who loves the Lord.  He works hard and does what is right even when it seems how unfair he is often treated.  I am thankful for three beautiful chidlren who love the Lord and are learning to do right.  They aren't perfect but they are God's children given to Jeff and I to raise and love while here on earth.  As Hawk used to say, "When God gives you a child, it is your DUTY to raise them to love the Lord and get them back to Heaven when their work here on earth is done."  I am thankful for a home to live in that GOD provided.  I am thankful for the ability to do what I can.  I wish I could do more but if I could I don't know if I would have built the relationship I now have with God and my children.  Life is hard but GOD is so good. 

God provides a a shiny North Star for us to follow.  We are to read His Word, pray daily and be sensitive to His direction.  We have been given the Holy Spirit to guide us, we just need to listen - STOP TALKING and listen.  Sitting by the river, I could hear God's creations.  I could enjoy peace like none I had ever experienced.  I need to find that peace no matter where I am.

I need to stop trying to figure things out and just STOP and LISTEN!  God has our lives all planned out for us.  We don't need to fix anything or show God what needs to happen next.  We need to just follow, obey, pray and be thankful for all He is doing.  One of my favorite Pastor's is Pastor Wally Metts.  He was an amazing man of God.  He used to tell us that if life was going smooth then we weren't doing something right.  Because when we are doing what God wants and following His will it makes the devil mad and he will work overtime to derail us.

Dear Heavenly Father, I rebuke satan and all his terrible lies.  I pray Lord for a hedge of protection around me and my family.  Lord, please keep my heart sensitive to Your leading.  I want to follow You in every step I take.  Thank you for your protection and provisions.  You bless us above and beyond what we deserve.  We deserve NOTHING and yet you care for us and provide all we need plus more.  I ask that You use me to do whatever You want me to do.  Thank You for my life.  I praise You!!!

In Jesus name Amen!

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