Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5, 2013

Wow, I am failing terribly in my daily Bible reading and daily blogging.  I am not sure what happened but I need to get back on track.  I am not going to try and catch up, just going to begin again from today going forward.

Let me tell you about the last few days and what God has done.  I love looking at the little things and seeing how God is working in my daily life.  I am nobody important.  I am not famous.  I am just me!  Yet God does things for me and through me that blows me away. 

Anyway, my 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan has been a wonderful vehicle.  It has a few dents and scratches from me and the kids driving it.  I backed into a tree, the mail box and the kids hit a pole in the parking lot.  It isn't perfect looking on the outside and the roofing lining is falling down on the inside.  Yet, it still works and takes us where we need to go each and every day.  About two weeks ago I started having a difficult time turning the key and starting the car.  I just kept praying that God will allow it to work because we just don't have the money to repare it right now.  On Friday night Daniel used the van for work and then stopped by a friend's house after work.  At 11:30pm he called and said the van wouldn't start.  I drove to where he was and was unable to get the key to turn at all.  Jeff was flying Saturday morning so he couldn't deal with it until evening.  I drove Daniel to work around 11am, David left at 11:30am for work and Jannine left for a friends house on 12pm.  I was all alone.  Just me and the dogs in the house all day.  It was so quiet and empty feeling.  I was scheduled to sing in Church on Sunday so I began to practice my song. 

The song was called, "Not for a moment."  I started realling listening and reading the words as I practiced.  The first verse; You were reaching through the storm, walking on the water, even when I could not see.  In the middle of it all when I thought You were a thousand miles away, not for a moment did You forsake me.  Verse two says; You were singing in the dark, whispering Your promise.  Even when I could not hear.  I was held in Your arms carried for a thousand miles to show, not for a moment did You forsake me.  Verse three; and every step every breath You are there.  Every tear every cry every prayer.  In my heart at my worst when my world falls down.  Not for a moment did You forsake me.  Even in the dark, even when it's hard You will never leave me.  The chorus; after all You are constant, after all You are only good; After all You are sovereign.  Not for a moment will You forsake me.  The meaning of sovereign is ultimate and complete ruler.  God is sovereign.  He is in charge of everything and knows everything. 

So, as I was signing this song and realling understand what it all meant I realized that I need to just LET GO!  God is soverign.  He knows that my van is broke down.  He knows what are finances are like and He will take care of everything if I will JUST LET GO!  So, I prayed and I cried throughout the day asking God to help me let go and let HIM take over.  I then felt such peace and calm. 

Later Saturday Jeff and I went over to see if he could get the van to start, but it just wouldn't.  I was concerened because we use the van to pick up children for Church.  None of the kids could come on Sunday so Jeff, Jannine and I headed to Venice.  Pastor John invited me to sing.  I gave a very tiny and very short testimony and then nodded for the music to begin and it wouldn't.  So I told a little more about what God has been doing in my life.  When I was fininshed speaking suddenly the music began.  Half way through the song the music stopped but I kept on singing. It was a powerful moment.  I had prayed for God to use me to give HIM all the glory.  After Church we went to have lunch with some dear friends.  We had such a wonderful time just talking and laughing.  They had come to our church for the first time and really enjoyed the message and our wonderful group of people.  After lunch we came home and then went back over to the van.  Praise GOD the key turned and we were able to get it home.  Then Monday we got it to the mechanic.  The cost to repair was not too bad and not it works again!  God had it all under sontrol.  Why do I every question?  I am such a human!  I pray the LOrd forgivesss me when I doubt. 

Then yesterday I went to the mail box and again GOD blessed!  I received the letter regarding my disability.  The judge approved my disability case and declared I was fully disabled.  I don't know any details but am praising God for a favorable answer.  GOD IS SO GOOD!  He never fails.  He is constant, He is SOVEREIGN!

I guess throughout this process what I am learning is that God has it all under control and I just really need to let go and He will take care of everything.  My part is to trust and obey!  I need to pay my tithe, spend time in prayer, pray and praise Him all the time.  A saying I Have beside my bed says, "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."  Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 are my favorite verses!

So today, stop and find the blessings that God has for you today.  Maybe He wants YOU to be a blessing to someone that needs Him today.  So be sensitive to God's leading in every step you take and every word  you speak!

God bless you. 

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