Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4, 2013

Wow, it's the first Monday of February already.  My how time is flying by.  It is a beautiful Monday here in sunny Florida.  I have all the windows open and just enjoy God's air conditioning.  My electric bill is so much better when the weather is nice.  I wish it would just stay like this.  When it is cool like this I often think of my Mom.  She LOVED it cold.  When my Dad would complain about being too cold she would say, Well Lloyd, you can go put on a sweater or I can take off all my clothes!  Daddy would always say, I'll go get my sweater Bertie.  They had such a fun relationship.  Silly little things remind me of them.  I so wish they were still here to see the kids growing up.  I miss their encouragement as only a parent can give.  I am so thankful for the wonderful memories that can never be taken away.  I take a lot of pictures because I don't want to forget things. 

Last night we had some of David's friend over to watch the Super Bowl and celebrate his 20th birthday.  This has become an annual tradition in the Walston household.  In my usual form, I took lots of pictures but this one is my favorite 

Today's devotion time was about standing back and considering the thought that everything that comes into your life, every moment, every day, every person, every experience, every circumstrance good or bad has been allowed, approved, affirmed or accomplished by God.  We need to ask God to help us see these things as His working in our lives to shape us to whom He has created us to be.  We need to understand who GOD IS!  God is in control, HE never says OOPS!  He is Lord!  He is KING!  He is our FATHER!  His purposes and HIS character are perfect and holy and righteous and JUST. 

When things are going well, it is easy to know that God is in control.  But when things are scary, it is much harder to remember this.  Psalm 19 and Psalm 29 talk about this.  Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 are my favorite verses.  I received a text this morning from my dear friend and mentor, expecting her first grandchild in March.  They went to the doctor today and found that her amniotic fluid is low and the baby isn't growing like it should.  These are one of those times that makes it hard to stop and trust.  It's the time you question, why.  But we have to remember that God didn't say oops and just trust and pray for God's direction, peace and healing.  It's times like this that we stop and realize how precious life is. 

So remember, stop and enjoy the blessings!  Each are amazing rather big or small.  We just need to be sensitive and learn to appreciate all God does in our lives. 

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