Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 4, 2013

Today I got up early and left at 8:30am to ride out to Boca Grande with Liz and William.  (Liz Delpain) She is beginning a new job and needed me to sit in the car with William.  I continued my Bible study today and it basically reviewed what I learned today. 

We discussed the wind and the waves again in Matthew 14:22-33.  The discimples were in a terrible and scary situation.  The waves were crashing on the boat, the storm was raging around them.  They were frightened.  They thought they might not survive.  They lost their focus on God.  They just knew everything was literally crashing around them and they were not getting anywhere.  I was reminded to read Psalm 46 again and learned how the Psalmist was reminding us that God is our refuge and our strength.  We should not fear!  The Psalmist also reminded us that when the nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters His voice, and the earth melts!  That is the power our God has!  He controls the world and EVERYTHING within it! 

This is our Father!  He loves us.  So why do we fear?  We should not worry.  We should have a strong faith in God, we should trust Him and relax knowing He is in control.

I try to remind myself of this daily.  It is a hard lesson to learn but I am trying REALLY hard! 

It was a nice day.  But I am not feeling really well today so I am going to try and rest for a while and remember what I learned today!

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