Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 9, 2013

January 9, 2013

So, today was a very big day in the Walston household.  Today was my disability hearing.  David had the day off so we drove together.  I have to say as much as I have been trying not to worry, I was VERY nervous.  I listened to my daily audio Bible and read my fearless devotion on YouVersion on my phone.  I have been trying to remind myself that God is in control as I panic driving over the skyway bridge.  Although while on top of the bridge I looked out at a new perspective.  From on top of this beautiful bridge I could see for miles in all directions.  All the beautiful things that God created were all around me.  It was a beautiful sunny day.  The weather was absolutely perfect!  Why should I fear?  My Father created all of this.  Why should I be worried?  Why should I fear? 

As I entered the conference area I was soon introduced to my attorney Michael Egilton.  He was very nice and only 28 years old.  We discussed my account in detail while waiting for the judge.  I was called back to go before the judge.  I was filled with peace and calm as  I walked in.  We were before the judge for about 40 minutes.  I was asked a few questions by the judge and answered them truthfully.  When we were done the judge immediately closed the case and left the room.  I didn't know whether to cry or celebrate.  The attorney and I went back to another conference room to discuss what had just happened.  The attorney informed me that there was so need to keep running after we had already crossed the finish line in first place.  We went over some details of when I will get a confirmed ruling and when the money might begin and how much.  Nothing is for certain, but at least it gave me a ball park idea.  I was told that for the first 5 months social security pays nothing.  So, my case started April 2011 so nothing was considered until September 1, 2011.  For 2011 I would be given $820 per month.  All of 2012 I would be given $850 per month.  And in 2013 I would receive about $900 per month.  These are all cost of living raises.  I will be given the direct deposit the 3rd Wednesday of each month.  The first payment will be for all the past I didn't receive.  Freedom Disability will receive a little over $4,000 for their services.  

After we left court David and I drove back to Sarasota and had lunch at Olive Garden to celebrate!  I love spending time with him and getting to know more as an adult.  I can't believe that my baby boy is all grown up.  I am honored he is still home with us and I cherrish every minute I get to spend with him.

I dropped him off at Laurens then headed back to the house to grab a few minutes with Jannine and Daniel before leaving again to go to Sarasota for the EAA Chapter 180 board meeting.  What an interesting group of strong willed spoiled men I was listening too.  It reminded me of when the boys were little and would fight at times.

Then my precious husband and I grabbed a romantic bite at McDonalds then headed home to crash after a very long day!

All in all it was a great day.  Thank you Lord for taking care of my family once again!  I love you.  I will continue to trust in you and rest in your love knowing you are in charge and will do what is best for me and my family.  I love you Lord.

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